Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick note to wish you all a fun and safe Halloween! Be watching for more Thanksgiving and Christmas projects on my blog and You Tube channel! Take care!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


The picture doesn't do these cute elf shoes justice!  The one on the right is stamped with craft ink and then glittered with Dazzling Diamonds. The shoe on the left is simple but great for kids!  Make someone feel special for the Holidays with unique wrapping!


Since I drink so much coffee, I have lots of creamer containers.  So I made these for Halloween.  The Frankemstein  is made with 3 fringes glued to the container, then watch my video for the rest! The Mummy is torn Whisper White paper, sponged with Soft Suede ink.  Have fun!
Hi Everyone.

You may have noticed that I have been more consistent with my You Tube videos  lately.  There's a reason for it.  I am feeling so much better that now, I can also have some fun doing my crafts!!  I have an auto-immune disease and I have good days and bad days. But lately, because of a new Doctor(an Acupuncturist!), I am feeling on top of the World!

I hope you enjoy my tutorials.  If you create something and would like to share it, please send me a picture of it, and I will post it on my Blog for the World to see.

Thank you for watching my videos and offerring kind words for my artwork.  It is very encouraging to hear that my ideas are helpful in some way.....Have a Blessed Day! :>